“With only 200ml of annual rainfall, we knew we had to try something different. Our site is living proof of syntropy in action”

Our syntropic journey began in Nov 2022. On a dusty patch of arid land in our unique Mediterranean climate context, where water - not light - ultimately dictates what survives.

In this region of the world, the soils are ancient and lack fertility, at this particular site we started with less than 5cm of hydrophobic loam over hard clay and ironstone. We covered the soil with a thick layer of mulch that was harvested from surrounding eucalypts, pines and acacias. In a matter of months, we transformed this dry bacterial soil into over 30cm of moist loam that is now full of microbial life.

Our design leans into nature’s wisdom. Dual rows of trees break the harsh winds and shield young, tender leaves from the winter frost. The relentless Kikuyu grass is kept in check by the shade cast from this living matrix of plant diversity.

When we come through to interve, it’s like sounding a symphony. The old and new growth we skillfully manage, triggers new growth pulses, not just in the trees we cut, but across the entire macro-organism that is our food forest.

What was once dry and dusty, is now flourishing, alive with a diversity of roots & microbes, a system of true resilience.

It’s a story of healing, balance, and nature’s abundant power when we learn to work with it.


Brisbane, Queensland